Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

The Buzz
The Buzz’s color scheme is focused around yellow, with purple being a strong accent to it.  This hero’s color scheme is based on that of a bumblebee, with purple being a main color instead of the usual black.  Because The Buzz fights for the good of his city, I chose positive, bright colors that associate him with flowers and bright natural colors.  This association with flowers also connects to the design of his costume being bee-like.  Another strong element of The Buzz’s color comes from the thin stripes, which add to his element of speed when he is flying around.   

This photo depicts The Buzz’s life and popularity.  Because he is such a renowned figure within the city, he is constantly in the spotlight, wherever he goes.  While he does retain a hidden identity, the city is in constant peril, which forces him to be in action during most of his waking hours.  As a result of this, he is put on a constant spotlight for everyone to see.  His actions are judged daily in the press, and his psyche is put on for the city to see.  He is also the lone superhero, which is why there is no other character alluded to in the photo.

While this shape doesn’t seem to be very descriptive or detailed, it does a good job of depicting The Buzz’s lean, angled figure.  While much of his design is based on a bumblebee, his shape is much more similar to that of a wasp.  With very sharp angles, his design closely resembles that of an acute triangle. Because much of his power comes from his speed, this small profile and ergonomic shape provide him with the mobility that he uses to defeat crime.  His strong lines and angles help to create an iconic shape that people associate with him.
 Bad Bomber
The Bad Bomber’s colors are thick and directly oppose one another.  Because the stripes are so thick, they seem to counteract The Buzz’s thin ones.  The Bomber’s two colors also directly oppose one another, presenting an odd juxtaposition to the viewer’s eyes.  This juxtaposition helps to establish the essential innate dislike for the hero’s antagonist.  The deep saturation also helps to show that this character is full and passionate.  Red and blue are also classical opposite colors, which lead an onlooker to have an instant distrust in someone wearing such vibrant versions of each.
The lighting here emphasizes the Bad Bomber’s dark, brooding personality. Because he typically appears at night, he provides The Buzz with very little opportunity to study his face and body. Commonly lurking in the shadows and avoiding full exposure to light, the Bomber’s lighting is often very spotty and lead to his ambiguousness.   The lighting in this photo also helps to emphasize his menacing nature, though.  Because the light is so frontal and has an obvious source, it causes the viewer to feel uncomfortable.  The environment surrounding him is dark, much like the environment that he thrives in.
The Bad Bomber’s shape very much resembles that of a sphere, with little definition or distinguishable body characteristics.  The bulbous elements of his suit provide him protection and the ability to carry many gadgets with him.  It is also a direct juxtaposition to The Buzz’s lean, sharp design. Because the protagonist and antagonist have such stark differences between their designs, it helps to establish their conflict and rivalry. The round shape also adds to the difficulty in distinguishing his physical characteristics as there is no definition shown for his actual body, but rather the suit.

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