Sunday, January 29, 2012

#3- Brainwashed
Acknowledge the Lizard: We all have a built-in tendency that gravitates us away from any sort of criticism, or being laughed at.  This defense mechanism or, “the resistance,” is what pushes us to stay in line and follow orders for the sake of safety.  This barrier is the sole contender between today and art.  This resistance cripples acts of genius, but if we acknowledge and quell it we can successfully bypass it.

Connect: It is essential for us to utilize the incredible amount of global presence that we have access to right now.  By using the Internet and connectivity, we have the opportunity to change people and gain influence, power, and authority.  Instead of measuring our online footprint, we should be aiming to have an influence, having a hand in a change in someone’s life.  We have spent so long isolated, now is the time to utilize this overwhelming global consciousness.

Learn: School is outdated and has lost its purpose in today’s society.  Therefore, we must take schooling into our own hands and apply learning and self-betterment into our daily routine.  Because we are so different, and everyone has personal goals and aspirations we must take daily events and interactions and use those to learn what we need to learn.

Acknowledging the Lizard is an essential part for any essential development to begin in an artists’ career.  By fighting and pushing with this lizard we confront the root of our downfall, our own consciousness.  This blog serves as an essential confrontation of the lizard, which is making it known and beginning the struggle to control it.  By bypassing our own negative preconception of others’ judgment, we are able to submit our mind’s work for judging by others; realizing that criticism is inevitable and necessary begins the process of development.
The idea of the lizard connects very well with the idea of finding your howl. By fighting through fears and inhibitions, we are able to push ourselves into a new consciousness, a new prospective of our own being.  The push from this blog to ignore social forces pushing us to subdue and normalize mesh very well together; by pushing us to individualize our passions and minds, a large step is being taken towards artistic betterment. 
To successfully connect to the world around us, we must first analyze the way to best do so.  With so many tools like social networks and blogs at our fingertips, it is truly not that difficult to get your work to vast amounts of people in a matter of hours.  The largest issue that we face is being able to set content apart from others and having a significant influence on another’s life. This blog is a strong start in that direction, by letting us express ourselves in a public setting.
Being able to actively learn and apply daily happenings is an essential aspect of being an artist.  Because art is very give-and-take, we spend much of our time attempting to pinpoint and materialize feelings and poignant ideas. This results in frustration and a strange development of ideas.  Because learning is an interactive and changing process, it is important that we consciously put effort into applying our daily experiences toward future musings.  This blog helps us to apply our previous knowledge and access new knowledge simultaneously.  By throwing us blindly into an environment of meshing new and old knowledge, it is bound to create new ideas and thoughts within an individual.  It would also be quite interesting to analyze the different answers and threads that run through these blog entries throughout the class, as I’m sure previous experience and knowledge has a large effect on writing style and content.  This blog is an excellent exercise in putting our thoughts into words, and our words into public space.

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